Causes Red Spots On Skin

Causes Red Spots On Skin


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Human skin is a soft part of the body and plays an important role in keeping our skin in good shape. So every effort should be made to preserve its beauty, health, and freshness. Like other parts of our body, skin gets deteriorated due to various types of diseases. One of the most common is the red spots that appear on various locations at our skin. If they appear on your face, this destroys your face beauty and you have to find ways to get rid of them. The size of red spots can vary from few centimeters to few millimeters. Often people relate red spots on the skin with cancer, but this is not the case always. The best is to consult your dermatologist.
There are other reasons for this, which we are covering in detail below.

Causes Red Spots on Skin

1. Red bumps - Are often pus-filled over the face, back and chest: a skin disorder

2. Cherry raised flat sores: sensitivity, infliction or allergic dermatitis, herpes, heat rash, malaria

3. Cherry dome-shaped bumps, seems wet haphazardly and itchy: insect bites

4. Tiny red dot, larger or bruise-like spots that seem once taking a medicine: allergic blood disorder

5. Red, raised strawberry-like appearance: Hemangioma (scary-sounding name, however terribly harmless; conjointly known as angiomas)

6. Ruby & flushed look around cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose: rosacea characterized by redness or facial erythema and sometimes by pimples

7. Red, restless rash that badly affects the groin area a lot: eczema marginatum, yeast infection, dermatitis in infants

8. Increasing, red and slightly restless rashes over the chest and abdomen: Pityriasis

9. Scattered pink and red dots once a patient is feeling due to change in weather conditions: This causes infection.

10. Red, scaly, encrusted uncommon growth on the chin, lip or anyplace on the face: squamous or basal cell malignant neoplastic disease

11.  Amelanotic melanoma: A skin cancer in which cells do not develop melanin. Their color may vary and could be pink, purple, red or of normal skin color. That is why it is very difficult to diagnose this.

12. Molluscum: Also called water warts in a skin viral infection and is denoted by MC. It produces as a result of DNA poxvirus. MCV-1, MCV-2, MCV-3, and MCV-4 are various types of Molluscum.

13. KS: This is an abbreviated form of Kaposi's sarcoma and is a tumor. It is caused by HHV8 - human herpesvirus 8. It is also called KSHV - Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. KS is a systematic disease and was first discovered in 1872 by a Hungarian dermatologist Moritz Kaposi. Once Kaposi sarcoma has been identified, it could be treated with various methods like cryotherapy, alitretinoin gel, intralesional injections of vinblastine, topical immunotherapy (imiquimod), radiotherapy or surgical excision. KS can be classified into Classic Kaposi sarcoma, Endemic KS (further classified into African cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma and African lymphadenopathic Kaposi sarcoma), Immunosuppression-associated Kaposi sarcoma and AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma (also called epidemic KS). KS mostly affects back, lower limbs, mouth, face, and genitalia.

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